A set of work furniture for a double room ensuring privacy
Based on the premium model we have a set of bed,
Wardrobe and bedside table in a unique arrangement
created that guarantees privacy for two people living in
live in one room.
The set has all the prices of the premium model (you can choose above
read), but an additional wall that contains the bed and the
Wardrobe connects, creates a private space for the
Room users.
This solution increases the standard of employee rooms, but creates
also a feeling of privacy and intimacy – something for people who
not knowing each other and being forced to live together, extremely
important is.
It is important that a Privice Line set and a Premium set in one
Enough space to set up the room shown in the video. This is
an innovative solution, but exactly what customers expect to get from them
To make your home increasingly comfortable and provide maximum privacy
ensure without losing space in the room.
This solution presented to tenants creates one
Competitive advantage, enables faster tenant searches and increases
the standard of the apartment to a level that is comparable with conventional beds
is not reachable.